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Mommy to lego and minecraft obsessed little boy and twin girls who love dressing in tutus or princess gowns and trying on Mom's makeup. All 3 of my kids have their special talents and strengths and their unique challenges. Autism, Apraxia, Hypotonia, Anxiety, Sensory Processing, Receptive Language Disorder, and IEPs are all a part of the language spoken in this house! Always on the go to one therapy or play date to another support group meeting. . .

Friday, February 3, 2012

Acts of Kindness

Somedays you find the nicest and caring of people in unexpected places. And sometimes those who are in the position to help you the most, are well very disappointing. Yesterday while the tot was doing Yoga at school, I was at home with the twins making phone calls. JD's caseworkers are both avoiding me. I'm hitting roadblocks with them. Maybe they have heavy case loads or are burnt out, but I haven't been impressed with their professionalism. It is frustrating and it makes me feel like a stranger in a big crowd begging and screaming for help, except everyone is too busy going somewhere to stop and offer help.

But yesterday my faith in mankind was reassured. 3 people who don't know me all that well took time out of their busy lives to offer me some free helpful advice and give me very good news.

A's home physical therapist and the finance guy at the Center for Autism gave me tips on overcoming the roadblocks to get JD's services up and running. They gave me resource information and assured me I am not being unreasonable. I need to become a very loud squeaky wheel and be persistent. And his services and coverage are guaranteed under state law. Did you know Pennsy is the only state with an Autism act? Autism Act Fact Sheet Amazing. It needs to become a national law. Then the last call of the day was from A's hemotologist at CHOP. She was kind enough to personally call and give me blood work results. When you have to repeat labwork because the 1st time it was abnormal, the mind of a parent goes to very scary places. You know-- back to begging God to spare your child. So we got good news for AP yesterday.

Around 10 when I jumped in the shower and all the kids were finally asleep, I let myself cry. I often cry in the shower-- don't tell. It is hard to be a mom. It's so much harder to be a special needs mom. But today was a good day, 3 people took time to be kind. Oh and JD perfected his downward facing dog Yoga pose at preschool. And he said good bye to 2 of his classmates. Yeah, it was a good day. Even if JD didn't want to pose for a pic. Too busy having a good day.

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