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Mommy to lego and minecraft obsessed little boy and twin girls who love dressing in tutus or princess gowns and trying on Mom's makeup. All 3 of my kids have their special talents and strengths and their unique challenges. Autism, Apraxia, Hypotonia, Anxiety, Sensory Processing, Receptive Language Disorder, and IEPs are all a part of the language spoken in this house! Always on the go to one therapy or play date to another support group meeting. . .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Vaccine Exemption in PA for Preschool

Vaccine Exemptions for PA Pre School

Last Thursday, my school returned from school with a legal notice asking for proof of shots and proof of being seen by a doctor for the annual health check.  Hmm, here we go. First, please realize you will get a formal legalise sounding notice asking for health forms signed by a doctor and “proof that your child’s immunizations are up to date in order for your child to continue receiving services at . . .” All very intimidating to the average parent. Except I don’t think I am an average parent anymore. I’m an angry parent who feels I was mislead by our pediatrician because they didn’t warn us about ingredients or side effects.  Second, in PA you can have exemption from immunization for school age children based on medical exemption and religious exemption. Additionally, you have the legal right to object to a health screening should you so choose.

For those of you who live in PA and want to know the vaccine laws in our state here it is, pasted from:

§ 23.84. Exemption from immunization.

(a) Medical exemption. Children need not be immunized if a physician or the physician’s designee provides a written statement that immunization may be detrimental to the health of the child. When the physician determines that immunization is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the child shall be immunized according to this subchapter.

(b) Religious exemption. Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief.



The provisions of this § 23.84 amended through September 17, 1982, effective August 1, 1983, 12 Pa.B. 3288; amended August 22, 1997, effective August 23, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 4317. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (164332) to (164333) and (129145).

Cross References

This section cited in 22 Pa. Code § 11.20 (relating to nonimmunized children); 22 Pa. Code § 51.13 (relating to immunization); 22 Pa. Code § 405.49 (relating to immunizations); 28 Pa. Code § 23.85 (relating to responsibilities of schools and school administrators); and 28 Pa. Code § 27.77 (relating to immunization requirements for children in child care group settings).

Did you catch that? “Strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief” remember that if you don’t have a religious or medical exemption. Basically this is a philosophical exemption written into the religious exemption. At least that’s how I and many other PA parents read it.

 Here are some sites I found to be helpful-

I really liked this one because it provided an alternative form to provide the pediatrician or daycare. You know they make you sign a liability release and it reads how dangerous it is to not vaccinate etc etc—according to PA statutes- there is no “formal” form- a handwritten statement from the parent stating it is their religious belief should suffice. So don’t let them intimidate you.

Hope this helps those who have chosen not to vaccinate.  I don’t want to argue or debate this. For our family, we have chosen to stop all vaccinations. My son’s last vaccination was at his 2 year well visit, my daughters last vaccination was at their 9 mo well check. I regret ever vaccinating my kids and if I’d been a better parent I would have been more proactive about researching vaccine safety. But I can’t change the past. I can only move forward. Do your research and make the best informed decision for your family and respect that others will choose to believe differently than you. We are all parents trying to do the best for our kids.

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