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Mommy to lego and minecraft obsessed little boy and twin girls who love dressing in tutus or princess gowns and trying on Mom's makeup. All 3 of my kids have their special talents and strengths and their unique challenges. Autism, Apraxia, Hypotonia, Anxiety, Sensory Processing, Receptive Language Disorder, and IEPs are all a part of the language spoken in this house! Always on the go to one therapy or play date to another support group meeting. . .

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Beware- Pumpkins in the air!

Yesterday I got kicked, spit on, yelled at, hit, had a pumpkin thrown at me (a little one but still oww!), was told I didn't like him and that I was scary (I've learned to tune this out because it's just his way of expressing frustration), and the finale-- stripped of clothes and diaper and peed on his bed so that he wouldn't have to nap. Never mind that we'd been sitting on the potty for 10 minutes fighting for him to go potty. Potty training is not going well but I refuse to quit. He will be potty trained; I will not cave on this.

It was a horrendous day. It was Day 2 or 4 of migraine from hell. I’ve been surviving with lots of tea or coffee and Excedrin. I can’t take my usual Imitrex because I’m breastfeeding. So at lunch time (well my 3 pm lunch time) when the kids were napping, I brought out the wine and has 2 glasses. It mellowed me out. Headaches are the worst. No, I take that back, you know what’s the worst? Having your child screeching at you at the top of his lungs, banging on doors and walls like a maniac. These rage fits—where are they coming from? What the hell is causing them?

I wonder is this because he doesn’t want to use the potty? Or is this neurological? My instinct is to take him to see the neuro because these rages scare me. I’m scared he could really hurt himself. Frankly, I’m scared I don’t have the tolerance or patience. Honestly, if this keeps up I might need some medication—FOR ME and maybe him. I spent the day fluctuating between practicing my “I’m not angry and must be emotionless” 1-2-3 magic parenting style voice, crying in the bathroom, and wondering what the trigger is. It seems to be potty training. Sigh. This is so difficult!

I’m putting him back on the digestive enzymes and probiotics. We fell off our supplement regime and suddenly the rages are back. In the meantime I’ll keep plugging away. But I’m hiding all the pumpkins. Those suckers hurt! Oh today, the worst part was when I hyper extended my elbow and JD proceeded to step on it. The pain was horrific and it still hurts. But he really didn’t do it on purpose, he was oblivious to it.

Something odd- last night he was recapping his favorite part of the day like we always do. His recap—he was telling me about something that never happened. So does that mean he can’t remember what happened during the day? Does it mean the day’s a big blank? See—that’s why I’m wondering if I should take him to a neuro, to rule out seizures. But then today he apologized and gave me a hug each and every time his fits of anger and meltdowns were over. So he’s aware of his meltdowns. I dunno.  I am clueless. Keep on swimming. Not much else to do right?

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