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Mommy to lego and minecraft obsessed little boy and twin girls who love dressing in tutus or princess gowns and trying on Mom's makeup. All 3 of my kids have their special talents and strengths and their unique challenges. Autism, Apraxia, Hypotonia, Anxiety, Sensory Processing, Receptive Language Disorder, and IEPs are all a part of the language spoken in this house! Always on the go to one therapy or play date to another support group meeting. . .

Friday, February 20, 2015

Summer plans. . .ESY, Summer camp, grants, and MA oh my!

It may not seem like it but Summer will be here before we know it.  On a day where the high was 1* and a wind chill of -15 to -20 today seems like a perfect day to think about your Summer plans. Have you thought about what your kiddo will do in the Summer? (This is mostly geared towards a child on the spectrum, but can be helpful for any “special needs” children in Philadelphia.
What are your options for Summer for a kiddo on the spectrum or special needs?
ESY, Approved MA Summer Camps, Summer Camps eligible for the Madeline Moore Summer Camp Grant, or Private Pay Camps (Day or Overnight).
This post covers ESY (Extended School Year) for Public Schools-

If you have a child with an IEP who you feel may regress and who would benefit from a review of literacy and math skills, then you should send a written request to your school Liaison or the special education teacher and request that your child have ESY (extended school year). Applications are going in now. This may have been mentioned during last week's report card/progress monitoring conferences if you’re in Philadelphia. ESY runs from 7/7/15 thru 8/13/15 at specific locations. 

Transportation is available and that should also be provided. The ESY location may be different than your child's regular school year school. If your school has not contacted you about ESY or its not listed in the IEP, email the school and ask for the form. It requires a Parent/Guardian signature. child have ESY (extended school year). Applications are going in now. This may have been mentioned during last week's report card/progress monitoring conferences. ESY runs from 7/7/15 thru 8/13/15 at specific locations. Transportation is available and that should also be provided. The ESY location may be different than your child's regular school year school. If your school has not contacted you about ESY or its not listed in the IEP, email the school and ask for the form. It requires a Parent/Guardian signature.
What if you don't want to do ESY?  What if its in the IEP and you change your mind?  Send a written request for an IEP meeting. Remember you have the right to request a meeting at any time.  Send it in writing. I like email because with a return receipt I get notification of who read it and when.
Some parents opt to send their children to Summer camp in lieu of ESY. Others do ESY and summer camp during the weeks that are not covered in ESY. Some, like we will be, opt not to do ESY at all. 
It all depends on the needs of your kiddo and what works for your family’s schedule. If you have wrap around, ask your BSC or TSS what they feel. If you have a good rapor with your school then ask them. But remember you’re the parent and you get to decide.

Listing of Summer Camps from the A-List Elwyn Autism Resource Guide.

Philadelphia Autism Centers of Excellence (PACE) 1-855-ASD-PACE PACE provides an array of services for children and their families including after school program.

Three locations: SPIN – 215-612-7625. Located at 10541 Drummond Rd., 19154 NET (Northeast Treatment Center) – 855-273-7223. Located at 499 Spring Garden St., 19123 Child Guidance Resource Center - 267-713-4100. Located at 2901 Island Ave, 19153

(I called SPIN today and here’s what I understood, please call to confirm details).
SPIN STAP (Summer Therapeutic) Program. Accepts MA. If your child does not currently have a wrap around agency (CBH) then he/she would need to go through SPIN's intake and eval process. If your child has a wrap around agency then you'd just ask that agency to do an addendum and submit it to CBH.

Interest/Intake form needed to start process. An outside TSS isn't allowed. Ratio is 1-3. Recreational based. Seems to be geared towards higher functioning or no behavioral challenges.
Monday thru Friday 9-3 at SPIN locations depending on your zipcode or as space allows.

Recreation Department: 215-683-3600 Fairmount Park: 215-683-0200 Free Library of Philadelphia: 215-686-5372

Norcom Community Center
10980 Norcom Rd 19154 215- 613-1070 www.nccfun.org Inclusive camp for special needs and typical children ages 5-18. Children's activities: Laura Fekete 215-698-3060.

Variety Club Developmental Overnight Camp 2950 Potshop Road, Worcester, PA 19490 610- 584-4366.

Day Camp: For children and youth with disabilities ages 5-21. Program runs Monday thru Friday throughout the summer. Transportation is available, but limited to a pick-up point in Northeast Philadelphia and Bucks County. Siblings are also welcome to attend. Before and aftercare available. FEE*

Overnight Camp: (610) 584-4366. For children and youth with disabilities ages 7-21. Participants stay overnight from Sunday to the next Saturday.

Vocational Program Jean Merkl 610-584-4366 x1101. For youth with disabilities ages 14 and up. Program takes place throughout the summer. Participants learn job skills as they participate in various work-related activities including landscaping, cooking, office duties, camp store, etc. Space is limited.

I called Variety and here’s what I wrote down. Please call to verify information. Variety Club Summer Camp. Located in Worchester, PA. (By Blue Bell,Skippack etc). They have limited pick up locations in Philly. She said they do have one in NE Philly. They allow outside tss 1-1 to attend. They provide 1-1 at an additional cost. Ratio is 2:1 staff. Can send the kids for all the weeks or just certain weeks. So if you want to send them when they're on break from ESY you can do that too. Or they have "specialized theme weeks" (one week they may cover fine motor, sports weeks, community trips, social, etc.) They have after and before care for extra charge.

Most of the children who attend have developmental and physical delays.
Day camp 9-3 M thru F. Ages 5-21 Play/Recreational based
Overnight Sun pm drop off- Sat mid morning pick up. Ages 7-21 Play/Recreational based

Educational based camps
ESY oriented for ages 5-21 (math, writing, etc)
Vocational for ages 14-21 (geared to teach vocational skills and coping)
Payment: MA, Madelyn Moore grant, need based scholarships, payment plans.
Phone: (215) 735-0803 Toll Free: (800) 553-7806
Sam Haslit Etc. 230

Carousel House Special Needs Day Camp www.carouselhousepa.com 215-685-0160/61/62 A 2-week camp for kids with disabilities ages 6-25. Belmont Avenue and North Concourse in Fairmount Park.

Madeline Moore Summer Camp Grant http://dbhids.org/summercamp 215-685-4737 ONLY for children who are receiving CBH services. Provides up to $400/ year for camp available through CBH.

Dragonfly Forest www.dragonflyforest.org 610-298-1820 FREE-Limited space-register early! Residential overnight camp for ages 7-14, in Westown, PA (Chester County). MA accepted.

YMCA http://www.philaymca.org/ Columbia North:1400 N. Broad St. 19121, 215-235-6440 Roxborough:7201 Ridge Ave 19128215-482-3900 Christian St:1724 Christian St. 19146, 215-735-5800 West Philly:5120 Chestnut St. 19139, 215-476-2700 Northeast Family: 11088 Knights Rd., 19154, 215-632-1484

I called a couple of Y’s today. Here’s the info, please call to verify. YMCA Summer Camp Abington and Ambler have "special needs" camps. The NE Knights Rd location does not. I did not call the other Philly locations so I don't personally know if those do. 

TSS is always welcome but the Y can not provide a 1-1 aide. Full membership and program membership prices vary. Financial aid is offered on a need base only and is limited. See Y for more information on how to apply. The Y also accepts CCIS funding. Specific locations may or may not be Madelyn moore grant eligible. 

It is a weekly basis camp, meaning you can send your child to ESY and then send them to Y camp for the weeks they are off ESY. Registration has started. For the special needs camp 1:4 staff ratio. Ages 5-16. Play based. It is not educational or life skills based. All other camps staffing ration varies by age. 1:8 ration for 6-7 and it increases by age etc.

St. Joseph’s University Kinney Center for Autism 5600 City Avenue 19131 610-660-2170 A low cost summer camp for kids with Autism that fills up by January! You can get on their email list so you don’t miss this opportunity. Get information and apply online at www.kinney.sju.edu

West Phila. Parents of Autistic Children Located at 6050 Market St. Contact Roberta Bellamy 267-231-4120 or 215-472-2764 orwestphilapacs@gmail.com

Quest Theraputic Summer Camps www.questcamps.com Ages 5-18. 1-800-313-9733. Fee*

Pegasus Therapeutic Programs- http://www.pegasusridingacademy.com/our-programs/
Summer Camp $240 for 6 weeks. 4 times a week, 30 min classes. 4 students per class. Need based scholarships available on website.

What is the Madeline Moore Summer Camp Grant? And how do you apply for it? It is on a first come, first serve basis. Please note the amount decreased this year. Up to $400 awarded this year.

A Philadelphia child between the ages 6-17 who either has a mental health diagnosis Axis 1 or who has a school based behavior plan. See the link below for more critieria. Usually a child on the spectrum who receives CBH services qualifies.

If you currently have a mental health agency for your child- (CBH, Foundations, Clarity, etc) contact your main contact (a coordinator, your BSC, etc) and tell them you want to apply for this grant. They should be familiar with its name. You can not personally apply for this grant. Your mental health (tss/bsc agency) has to apply for it. Usually through an addendum to your current CBH authorization hours/program. Not all summer camps accept funding from this grant. 


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