JD’s annual IEP was yesterday. I went in with 2 pages worth
of new goals, no IEP draft, and rather unsure about his current school
placement. I was also nervous. I don’t like going into meetings without having
a game plan. It’s like dogs, they can smell your fear. Case workers can smell
Long story short, my kiddo is doing well and the behavior
problems are because he’s bored, really bored. So in September we’re going to
try inclusion. Now I’m not just going to throw him into a regular pre-K without
support. No, we’re not ready for that and we’re taking baby steps. He’ll have
his aide with him at all times. Hopefully it’ll be the same aide he has now
because he loves her! He’ll also have a mobile version of his current team. He’ll
have an occupational therapist, speech therapist, a behavioral consultant, and
a special instructor to act as a go between the pre K teacher and the “special
needs”. My understanding is that the special instructor will work 1-1 with JD
to help with any problems that may arise.
I’ve been calling around some pre-Ks and was pleasantly
surprised that pretty much all were open to having a kid with an IEP and
support staff in their program. Now I know legally they have to. But we all
know that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a reality. The reality is that not all
schools are equipped for it and not all schools are open to it. Now I won’t lie—2
or 3 have to “call me back” to see if JD having outside people (their words not
mine) coming in would be ok. Needless to say those are now taken off my list.
This decision is not without misgivings. I worry we’re
pushing him too fast. He loves his current team and has had such progress since
last year. I am so incredibly thankful to his team. There are no words or
gestures that could ever express my thanks. So he’ll stay in his current school
through summer and then in the fall we’ll start a new school. Big step and I
have to take a deep breath and pray. Some changes are good. Not all change hurts.
I have to be open to it and continue to let JD show me what he’s capable of.
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