December 20, 2011
Dear Buddy:
You were diagnosed yesterday at our first psych consult. I was not as upset as I thought I’d be. Mostly because we’ve suspected something was wrong for a while and I was in denial. Not my precious baby boy. I wish I could love and hug this disorder away. I have always associated autism with children who didn’t hug , didn’t laugh, or show love. Children who didn’t act silly, like my baby boy. I have always been petrified of autism because I associate it with a children’s version of Alzheimer’s. The diagnosis in a way is relieving because now at least we have a name for it, and we have some therapies for it. Might not have a cure yet, but at least we can do something versus just spin our wheels.
I am devastated, like a part of you is gone—locked away beyond our reach. I feel robbed of the whole you. I wish someone would tell me what to do with these emotions but I also know I can’t let them keep me down and that I must move forward for you. We need to give you all the therapies and love possible. I worry for the future and what it will bring. But then I realized maybe I can learn something from this journey? Maybe I can learn more about my son and learn how we can help each other. Maybe this disorder does not mean a doom and gloom future or an end to all my dreams for you. It just means we will have more obstacles along our way.
Here is my promise to you baby:
I promise to always love you as only a mother can.
I promise to always be your voice and advocate. No matter what.
I promise to get you all the therapies and exhaust all options.
I promise to never give up hope.
I promise to keep my goals and wishes for your future unchanged- regardless of this diagnosis. This isn’t blind faith—I know you can learn to speak at your age level, I know you can overcome autism. You can do anything baby. And I will help you get there.
I love you baby. I always have, the moment I knew about you, the size of a jelly bean. My precious baby boy. All this love has to cure. It has to. Because we all love you so.
Love you baby.